GULP! (Give Up Loving Pop!)


Give Up Loving Pop or GULP is a campaign from Food Active which aims to raise awareness of the health harms associated with the over-consumption of sugary drinks. 

While many people, including children, are aware of the negative impact that sugary drinks have on their teeth, fewer are aware of the link between the overconsumption of sugary drinks and weight gain, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

GULP seeks to address this by raising awareness of these harms through engaging with schools and the community and challenging children, young people and families to swap their favourite sugary drinks with healthier sources of hydration, such as water and low fat milk.

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Meet the project team

Simon Wears

Head of Health & Wellbeing

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Fit Xtra is a weekly “bootcamp-style” physical fitness session

As a charity we are heavily reliant on community donations and fundraising.

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