Wellbeing Walks

Wellbeing Walk

Here at Wycombe Wanderers Foundation, we strive to help our community and understand the huge demand for mental health recovery and prevention projects.

Our Keep Moving Forward Wellbeing Walk gives participants the opportunity to meet a friendly group of people who are all on a recovery journey. The walk helps to keep people active whilst walking and talking with people who can support them. It is a very relaxed environment and we even stop for a cup of tea on the way around.

For a limited time our Wellbeing Walk has been adapted to a Wild Walk, funded by High Wycombe Community Boards (https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety/improving-your-local-community/high-wycombe-community-board/) and working in partnership with Khepera (https://www.khepera.org.uk/), we have added in a foraging element where participants once a month learn what plants and natural elements can be used for alternative uses e.g nettles can be turned into tea.

The Walk takes place every Tuesday from 11:00am – 1:00 pm and begins at the Wycombe Lido, just by the car park a little way up from the tennis courts.

There is no need to book on to the walks, you can simply turn up on the day, and there is no cost to take part.

Wycombe Wanderers Foundation recognise that physical activity can play an important role in the lives of people facing mental health challenges. We also recognise that there can be certain barriers faced by those facing mental health challenges when it comes to participating in physical activity. 

Considering this, should you have any questions or concerns prior to attending, please feel free to email Luke Godfrey on luke.godfrey@wwfc.com or alternative call us on 01494 455736.

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Meet the project team


Health & Inclusion Delivery Officer harry.challis@wwfc.com

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