Girls Development Academy (GDA)

Girl's Development Academy (GDA)

Wycombe Wanderers Foundation are extremely proud of our Girls’ Development Academy (GDA), in which we work with players between the age groups of under 10’s to under 16’s.
Our GDA exists to bridge the gap between grassroots and academy football. We aim to provide our players with the best possible development opportunities outside of academy/RTC football and a footballing environment that encourages creativity without a fear of failure.
Our GDA training programme consists of a comprehensive training syllabus covering vast technical/tactical aspects of the game, both in and out of possession and transition. Our syllabus is designed to be proactive in preparation for showcase games, build decision makers and craft brave/resilient young footballers. Our players also have both half-season and end-of-season reviews, where they are given a written progress report and one-to-one meetings with their age group lead coach.

At the GDA, the environment we set is paramount. We thrive on being the hardest working team, looking to “out work, out smart and out play” our opponents and creating a positive learning environment in which players are encouraged to take risks. Additionally, we want to promote ownership and responsibility so that our players can flourish and become great young players and, more importantly, great young people.

Specifically, the GDA’s aims are to:

· Stretch & challenge talented players; giving them the opportunity to grow and reach their full potential.

· Provide the highest quality of football coaching to all participants.

· Assist in shaping good people/behaviours as well as good players; building confidence, resilience, teamwork & work ethic to name but a few aspects.

The below summarises when and where our Girls’ Development Academy sessions are held:

Girls’ Development Academy:
Wednesday @ High Wycombe: U11’s – U16’s

Friday @ High Wycombe: U9 – U10’s

To trial for our GDA please see our upcoming Talent ID events – CLICK HERE

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Meet the project team

Nick Hunt

Female Football Development Manager

As a charity we are heavily reliant on community donations and fundraising.

Thank you for your interest in contributing, anything you donate will 100% go directly back into your local community, increasing our reach and our impact.

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