Our Policies

Wycombe Wanderers Foundation (WWF) are fully committed to health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people, vulnerable adults, staff and volunteers and EDI. Please see below for access to a number of our key policies, procedures and statements.

Equal Opportunities – Wycombe Wanderers Foundation is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to treating all employees or job applicants with respect and dignity in respect of the 9 Protected Characteristics regardless of age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, race, sexual orientation, religion or belief or because someone is married or in a civil partnership. WWF is a charity committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion, and the recruitment process for any role within the organisation will adhere to the latest equality legislation.

Safer Recruitment – WWF recognises the need to identify, deter or reject job applicants who it considers might/be at risk of abusing children, young people or vulnerable adults.

As part of the Foundation’s recruitment and selection process, offers of work for positions which involve regular contact with children, young people or vulnerable adults are subject to a satisfactory enhanced Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check and appropriate references.

Where the position is either unlikely to or may include only infrequent contact with children or young people, the Foundation still requires an enhanced Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check or self-certification and appropriate references.

WWF will ensure that the recruitment process for any position within the organisation includes the following:

1. The Job advert makes reference to an understanding of Safeguarding and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

2. An Application Form – which requires experience of Safeguarding and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, to be recorded and stored.

3. An Interview with applicants that includes an emphasis and questions on Safeguarding and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

4. That at least two references, one of which to be sought from the most recent employer, will be sought from the chosen applicant.

5. An enhanced DBS Check

6. The induction training process will includes Safeguarding and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and a copy of all relevant policies.

All staff already in post, will be required to provide either evidence of a successful enhanced Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) check or a completed Self-Certification statement.

Staff will update their profile in the Foundation’s HR system to reflect their successful DBS check or Self Certification and evidence will also be uploaded to our Single Central Register.

GDPR – At WWF, we take the protection of your personal data seriously and are committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We collect, store and process your data in accordance with the GDPR, and only use it for the purpose that it was intended for. We will not share your data with any third parties without your prior consent, and we will never sell your data. We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is kept secure and is only used for the purpose that it was intended for. If you have any queries or concerns about the way we process your data, please contact us via community@wwfc.com and we will be happy to assist you.

Safeguarding – Wycombe Wanderers Foundation fully recognises our responsibilities concerned with safeguarding.

Please see the links below to relevant safeguarding documents

Wycombe Wanderers Foundation Safeguarding Policy Statement 2023
Wycombe Wanderers Foundation Safeguarding Handbook 2023

Please also be aware that Wycombe Wanderers Foundation are advocates of the Child Exploitation & Online Protection Command, or CEOP Command, managed by the UK’s National Crime Agency.
The CEOP Command works both nationally and internationally to bring online child sex offenders, including those involved in the production, distribution and viewing of child abuse material, to the UK courts.

If you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you or somebody else online, you can make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors by clicking on the following link: www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/

Should you have a safeguarding concern please contact WWF Designated Safeguarding Officers Mark Gaitskell on mark.gaitskell@wwfc.com or Kirk Williams on Kirk.williams@wwfc.com 07786572860

Please click on the name below for access to the following policies:

WWF Safeguarding Policy Statement

WWF Health and Safety Statement

WWF EDI Policy

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