WWSET Launch new “EqualiTeam”

WWSET are excited to announce the launch of a new dedicated internal working group set up specifically to lead the charity’s development in the areas of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.

The group, named the “WWSET EqualiTeam”, has been created in order to ensure that we as an organisation proactively consider and prioritise EDI matters as part of our everyday operations. This way, we’ll be better able to play our part in preventing local people being excluded or disadvantaged because of their personal characteristics or backgrounds, subsequently allowing them more chance to reach their full potential.

The WWSET EqualiTeam is made up of staff from all levels of the organisation as well as having trustee representation. Its mission statement is as follows:

WWSET is committed to creating a culture that has equality, diversity and inclusion at its core.

We celebrate and value people’s differences but will always strive to learn and develop when it comes to EDI matters.

By doing this we hope to continually ignite understanding, opportunities, respect, empowerment and allyship within our work place and wider community.

Since the formation of the EqualiTeam in early February, the members have been meeting weekly with the primary purpose of creating an EDI Action Plan that will be used as a reference point for future EDI related activities. The Action Plan, which we aim to complete and publish by the end of May 2021, will focus on four priority areas that will ultimately lead to positive improvements being achieved:

  • Our People – is the WWSET team able to effectively understand and represent our community?
  • Our Communications – are WWSET communications inclusive, meaningful and relatable to everybody within our community?
  • Our Programmes – do WWSET offer activities that are appropriate and appealing to everybody within our community?
  • Our Data, Monitoring & Evaluation – are WWSET able to accurately measure and evidence our strengths and areas for improvement with regards to EDI matters?


Head of WWSET Paul Foley had this to say about the creation of the WWSET EqualiTeam:

The WWSET staff team are the organisations biggest asset – we have a committed group who strive each and every day to be of benefit to our community. However, our recent conversations around the topics of equality, diversity & inclusion have made us realise that it’s simply not good enough to just say that we are fully inclusive and representative, we have to demonstrate it via positive, proactive and forward-thinking tangible actions.

I’m proud of the work that the EqualiTeam have already undertaken since forming and I’m really excited about witnessing some of the plans being discussed come to fruition, all of which will allow us to better engage and serve the people of High Wycombe for many years to come.

In order to stay informed regarding WWSET’s EDI related activities and the work of the EqualiTeam please keep checking our website over the coming months as a dedicated page containing all relevant information will be launched shortly.

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