WWSET continues to support our local community to “Keep Moving Forward”! 

These are extremely unsettling times for lots of people, businesses and charities like ours but WWSET are doing what we can to ensure our most vulnerable members are supported at this time.  During this pandemic, WWSET have adapted our Keep Moving Forward project (which supports people facing mental health difficulties) from face-to-face sessions to conducting online sessions in Indian Clubs (a form of physical exercise) and yoga. We are also delivering weekly online mindfulness sessions in partnership with Bucks Mind.

In addition, we are also making contact with each and every one of our members weekly, to provide a listening ear, try to ease any worries and provide coping strategies that our members can practice and adopt throughout the week and beyond.

It is great to be able to keep people connected plus provide a sense of routine and normality, as well as this much needed support during the current crisis.

It is really important for us all to maintain positive mental health, and whilst in lock-down it is a great time to develop good habits for when restrictions are lifted; why not try these simple things to protect you mental health:

  • Eat healthy and drink lots of water – lots of sugary and fatty food can make us feel sluggish.
  • Get good quality sleep – not necessarily longer sleep but trying to set a body clock routine (going to bed and waking up at the same times each day)
  • Keep a routine – especially at the moment where all our routines seem to be out the window, why not try to adopt a weekly routine, for example; getting up at same time, getting washed and dressed ready for the day, and chunking up our time for various activities (gardening/reading/working/listening to music/baking/playing with the kids/resting). Doing this can help us stay away from just sitting in front of the telly all day and keeps both the mind and body active.
  • Get active – it is great to try and get outside at least once a day, for a walk, jog or cycle (sticking with social distancing of course). Getting fresh air and getting out of the home can really help to boost our spirits and release happy endorphins. If you are unable to get out, there are tons of great exercise classes online you could try. Why not give yoga or gentle aerobics a go if you’re just getting started.
  • Stay Connected – make sure you speak to at least one person per day, this could be over the phone, on zoom, across the garden fence or just saying hello to someone you pass. Having human connections is really important to boost our mood and to make us feel a part of our community.


Can you help us?

To support our continued work at this time we are asking people to donate their unwanted Books/DVDs/ CDs and Console Games to help raise funds for WWSET, so we are able to support our community both in and out of lockdown.

If you have anything to spare please use this link https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/SamParker20 (clicking on “donate my stuff”) or contact Sam White for more information, via Sam.white@wwfc.com.

WWSET continues to support our local community to “Keep Moving Forward”! 

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