WWSET Were Pleased To Support Safer Internet Day 2021

Over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday, WWSET delivered online assemblies to over 100 pupils on ‘An internet we can Trust’. Pupils from Oakridge School and Carrington Junior School enjoyed an interactive sessions delivered by the SET Education team, alongside discussion within small group sessions.


Pupils were taught to celebrate the amazing range of information and opportunities online, and its potential to inform, connect and inspire us, whilst also looking at how you can separate fact from fiction.

Safer Internet day 2021 focused on how we can know what to trust online, supporting pupils to question, challenge and change the online world, whilst exploring how influence, persuasion and manipulation can appear online and why this may happen. We also looked at the emotional impact navigating a misleading online world can have on young people and why it is important to create a supportive, critical and questioning culture online that encourages debate and discussion. We want to give young people the skills to support one another and the strategies to spot and speak out against harmful and misleading content online.


Atia Nazmin, Education officer said “The children listened attentively and shared their own experiences. We emphasised the importance of staying safe online and reporting any suspicious interactions, however big or small they may be, to never blame themselves or worry about being told off. A great opportunity for us to refresh young minds at a much needed juncture.”

Paul Withams, Senior Education officer said “Especially at this time when most lessons are all online, using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in our schools and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year through our Future Goals programme.”
School, parents and young people can still access support and resources at https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/safer-internet-day/2021
Tips and support can also be found at https://plprimarystars.com/news/safer-internet-day
WWSET Were Pleased To Support Safer Internet Day 2021

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