WWSET Welcome PCC Matthew Barber

On Friday 27th August 2021, Wycombe Wanderers Sports and Education Trust (WWSET) welcomed Matthew Barber, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley, to Adams Park.  PC Catharine Bennett was also on hand to make sure things didn’t out of hand! 

The Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner, or OPCC, funded our Play Into Space youth club over the summer, that helped guide children who were potentially vulnerable into a safe space. The sessions were held at Highcrest Academy in Hatters Lane, High Wycombe. 

Matthew met some of the kids that attended the Play Into Space programme and joined them on a tour of Adams Park, where WWSET were delighted to be able to present him with a personalised Chairboys shirt to mark the occasion. 

Play Into Space was held in a relaxed environment, in which there were many activities available, including football and rounders on the MUGA, board games, table tennis, pool, and foosball in the main hall and a big screen to play classic SNES video games in the back. Mario Kart never gets old, and was a real hit with everyone – especially the staff! 

Keep your eyes peeled to the WWSET website and social channels for a review of Play Into Space, some statistics and news on future sessions now that the summers activities have come to an end. 

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