We are delighted to inform you that, after working tirelessly since The FA guidance was accepted by the government, we are now in a position to resume the WWSET Holiday Soccer Schools!


Some key things relating to the Soccer Schools:

  • We will be delivering in 2 separate bubbles – The 2 bubbles will be split into age bands. (Ages 6, 7 & 8 and Ages 9, 10 & 11)
  • Start & dismissal times will be staggered  To minimise any large gatherings of participants and parents, the start and dismissal times for each bubble will be staggered as follows
    • 9.45am arrival / 2.45pm dismissal – Ages 6, 7 & 8
    • 10.15am arrival / 3.15pm dismissal – Ages 9, 10 & 11
  • No Sibling Discount – Due to the increased cost to deliver these sessions safely with reduced numbers, we are unable to offer any sibling discounts for these courses
  • Booking your child’s place is confirmation that you AGREE & COMPLY with all the details set out in the WWSET PHASED RE-OPENING OF SPORTS PARTICIPATION SESSIONS document – Please do not book your child onto this session (or any others) unless you have read the document and are happy to comply with everything that was disclosed. 


In the event of their being a suspected incident with COVID-19 during the course with a child, then WWSET will contact the parent to remove them from the site immediately. This child will not be allowed back until a negative test result has been confirmed. 


In the event of their being a suspected incident with COVID-19 at the course with a staff member, then WWSET will immediately send that staff member home and this member will not be allowed back until a negative test result has been confirmed. 


In the event of their being a positive COVID-19 case by either a participant or staff member then the course would be suspended with immediate effect for the remainder of the course. Refunds would be given out to cover the remaining duration of the course. 


If you have any further questions then please feel free to contact community@wwfc.com and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.


Wycombe Wanderers Sport & Education Trust's New Holiday Youth Club.

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