WWSET Raise Awareness For Loneliness Week

Last week, the team at Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET) supported Loneliness Week in attempt to also raise awareness of what you can do to help and support people through tough times. 

From the 15th-19th of June 2021 was Loneliness Awareness Week, and with the statistics ever-growing on loneliness due to the pandemic at Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust we wanted to help combat loneliness and raise awareness so people can be aware of how to help someone. 

So at WWSET we created a video on how people can help, and how important the message is that no one should ever feel alone. Members of our staff provided messages on the best ways you watching could help someone who may be struggling, the signs aren’t always visible but sometimes the little things you do with people could make them feel better. 

This is what Digital Marketing Apprentice Jack Fowler said about loneliness week:

“It is very important to highlight this week, as everyone has the right to be happy and to not feel alone, the signs of loneliness aren’t visible but just speaking to someone could make a huge difference, I’m so pleased that at Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust we took the initiative to do this, and even it makes a difference to just one person we would be happy”.  

Loneliness is something that can affect anyone at any age, the message is clear to keep talking.

At Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust we want to stop loneliness for all! Come get involved with us and see how we can help you. For all the information on our latest activities look on our website and social media channels. 

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