WWSET Partner With Chiltern Toy Bank To Bring Cheer To Children

Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET) were delighted to partner with Chiltern Toy Bank in the run-up to Christmas 2021 in order to ensure that many local families in need had gifts to provide for their children.

Chiltern Toy Bank traditionally works in the Chesham and Amersham areas collecting unwanted toys, or generously-donated new toys, before redistributing them to families who need extra support at Christmas time. The incredible donations they receive from local organisations and individuals allow them to help families make Christmas a little more special for those children within the households.

Unfortunately, over recent years, the toy bank has been receiving more and more requests for support from families who live further afield, including many from High Wycombe. In an effort to assist the toy bank and ensure they were able to support Wycombe locals, WWSET agreed to not only spend a bit of time at their warehouse helping them sort and pack toys during early December but also deliver all of the presents in and around Wycombe in the run-up to Christmas Day. Not only that, but Wycombe Wanderers fans also played their part by donating nearly 100 rolls of wrapping paper that were also distributed to the families along with the gifts.

Chiltern Toy Bank

Following the final delivery made on 20th Dec 2021, Head of WWSET Paul Foley commented:

“It’s been an absolute pleasure working with Sam and her team at Chiltern Toy Bank and playing a small part in making sure that local kids from lower-income families still have a great Christmas. Unfortunately, despite Bucks as a whole being an affluent county, there are lots of people who struggle financially and without the great work of charities such as the Chiltern Toy Bank, Christmas can be a particularly difficult time of year, when it should be a time of celebration. Our team have all loved delivering the presents and seeing the smiles on the faces of all those parents who are without such support would have found it hard to find the money to put presents under the tree.”

Samantha Horsman, Chairperson of Chiltern Toy Bank added:

“This Christmas, the team at Wycombe Wanderers spent a morning with us sorting toys and then helped Chiltern Toy Bank deliver to over 30 families, getting presents to over 100 children whose families would have struggled to provide any gifts. Their help and support has been invaluable to us to make sure that we could continue to support families in the Wycombe area who are going through difficult times. We’re very much looking forward to working with them again next year and for a long time to come!”

For more information on Chiltern Toy Bank please check out their Facebook Page or contact them via email at info@chilterntoybank.org.

Chiltern Toy Bank

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