WWSET launch Human Library™ Project

Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust and Buckinghamshire Libraries have teamed up with the Human Library™, an international organisation and movement, to hold an event in High Wycombe Library from 10am to 2pm on Saturday 2nd April 2022.

What is the Human Library™

The Human Library™ is a collection of individual human beings – or ‘books’ – drawn from different minority or marginalised groups in our community, that have somehow been exposed to stigma, misunderstanding or discrimination. The Human Library™ is a safe space where members of the public can rent out the ‘book’ for 30 mins and ask all those questions you’ve always wanted to ask, and open a conversation in which they can gain meaningful insight into the lives of the people they are talking to. Human Library™ books can be rented because you know someone who is of a similar background, or simply out of curiosity.

The Human Library™ asks people to not judge a book by its cover. To #unjudgesomeone.

How do the events work?

Each Human Library™ event is designed to facilitate interactions that challenge stereotypes and prejudice through conversation. During each 30 minute conversation, members of the public as ‘readers’ can access, encounter and engage with the life stories of each human ‘book’, by asking questions and by listening to the answers.

Visit The Human Library at High Wycombe Library for further event details.

Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust are delighted to announce that, by launching this event, we have become the first professional club to work with the Human Library™ in the United Kingdom. The project underpins our belief in social cohesion.

Call to participate

We are looking for people who would be interested in volunteering to become a Human Library book. To be considered for this, individuals should have been exposed to stereotypes, stigma or discrimination due to: religious beliefs, sexuality or gender, ethnicity, occupation, lifestyle, social status, political conviction and health and disability related topics.

If you would like to become a Human Library book, please visit The Human Library’s – How to get published in The Human Library or contact High Wycombe Library at lib-hiw@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

For more information about the Human Library™ see humanlibrary.org

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