WWSET Host Successful Foot-Golf Tournament

On Sunday 23rd August Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust, the official charity of Wycombe Wanderers FC, hosted their first ever foot-golf tournament.

The event took place at Lane End Conference Centre (https://www.lane-end-conferences.co.uk/), a fantastic venue based just a few miles from Adams Park.

The aim of the tournament was to provide local young people aged 11-16 with an opportunity to take part in some fun outdoor physical activity, and at the same time allow WWSET to promote to the participants the physical and mental health benefits of taking part in regular exercise.

A total of 54 young people played a round on the challenging 9-hole course, with many enjoying themselves so much they went round twice.

There were also opportunities for the participants to win prizes on the Longest Drive competition which took place on hole 2, and the Closest to the Pin challenge which took place on hole 8. Congratulations to the following who came out on top in these challenges:

Longest Drive:

Age 11-12: Lucas Baskerville

Age 13-14: Harris Badgwal

Age 15-16: Samuel Hill

Closest to the Pin:

Age 11-12: Lucas Baskerville

Age 13-14: Hamza Hussain

Age 15-16: Finlay Holmes

Whilst WWSET are still collating feedback from the event it’s safe to say it was a big success. Not only was there a good turn-out in terms of participant numbers but the sun was (almost unbelievably) shining pretty much all day.

Participant AA had this to say: “It was a really enjoyable afternoon, it was great to spend time with my mates doing something positive.”

One of the participants parents said: “What a great event yesterday! Thank You. The boys loved it. All the staff were excellent and everything was really well organised. Please send our thanks to everyone involved.”

WWSET’s Head of Education Mark Heath, who organised the event, summarised his thoughts by saying: “The Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in young people in High Wycombe, along with the rest of the country, having to face considerable personal challenges. These challenges often aren’t immediately visible or apparent but the knock-on effect on long term physical and mental health could be huge for many children. We wanted to deliver a free fun event that would get young people out in the fresh air where they could take part in some physical activity and enjoy themselves with their friends. It was great that so many people turned up to play and to see the smiles on their faces.”

In addition to thanking Lane End Conference Centre, WWSET would also like to express our sincere thanks to Leap (https://www.leapwithus.org.uk/) who kindly funded the event. Leap is the brand name of the Bucks & MK Sport and Activity Partnership, a social enterprise and one of 43 Active Partnerships nation-wide that form a key element of the delivery system for sport across England.

WWSET Host Successful Foot-Golf Tournament

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