WWSET Celebrate National Apprenticeship Week

This week (from Monday 8th February 2021) Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust, along with thousands of other employers from all industries, are celebrating the 14th annual National Apprenticeship Week, the theme of which is ‘Build The Future’. 

Apprenticeships are employability programmes that enable an individual to learn a variety of new skills within the work place via on-the-job training, but to also achieve a qualification at the same time. Qualifications can be offered at different levels: Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) all the way up to Level 7 (Master’s Degree equivalent). 

The purpose of National Apprenticeship week is to applaud, recognise and celebrate apprenticeship success stories across the country and to encourage more companies to offer apprenticeships, and more individuals to take them. It also allows companies to promote the huge benefit apprentices bring to the work-force. 

National Apprenticeship Week 2021 is even more critical this year than in previous years due to the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected apprenticeship uptakes over the past 12 months. Between August and October 2020/21, a total of 49,600 young people aged 16-24 started an apprenticeship, which is a 77,500 reduction when compared to the same period the year before. Many young people who more than ever feel they can’t afford to go to university can instead use apprenticeships as a means to enter into the world of work due to the fact that apprenticeships are funded from contributions made by the government and the employer. The fact that apprentices can earn a wage throughout their employment is obviously appealing as well!

WWSET has offered numerous apprenticeships over the years and currently employ a Digital Marketing Apprentice – Jack Fowler – who began with us in September 2020. Jacks apprenticeship is run in partnership with an organisation called Sports Structures who provide the academic elements one day per week, whereas WWSET facilitate the vocational learning elements for the other four days per week.

This is what Jack had to say about his apprenticeship at WWSET: 

“When I first heard about the opportunity, I was hugely excited – it was something I really wanted to do, as I’ve grown up I have seen the positive influence it can have on a variety of different people, but also it gives me the platform to be creative with ideas. I was a bit apprehensive and nervous, too, but the amazing support I got from every single person at WWSET gave me lots of confidence – they really wanted to see me succeed in this new role.

An apprenticeship has allowed me to build my career slowly but surely, giving me confidence working towards a marketing qualification. Huge credit for the success of my journey so far has to go to the entire WWSET Team as they have guided and supported me throughout.”


Head of WWSET Paul Foley said this about apprenticeships: 


“In recent years WWSET have realised significant organisational benefit by employing apprentices. All employers should recognise that a purely academic route into employment isn’t appealing or viable for everybody and there’s a huge pool of committed and enthusiastic young talent in all local areas that via apprenticeships can be engaged, developed and ultimately employed on a permanent basis. Our recent apprentices have added huge value to us and we look forward to employing more in the coming years.”

You can find out more about National Apprenticeship Week by clicking here: National Apprenticeship Week 2021

You can find out more about government apprenticeships in general by clicking here: Government Apprenticeship Website

Please note that, whilst not an apprenticeship, WWSET are also currently recruiting for a Head of Fundraising & Communications. To find out more about this opportunity please click here: WWSET Head of Fundraising & Communications



WWSET Celebrate National Apprenticeship Week

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