WWSET Appoint Billy Ready As PLPS Manager

Following a competitive recruitment process that saw a total of 31 people apply for the role, WWSET are pleased to announce that Billy Ready has been appointed as our new Premier League Primary Stars Manager.

Billy was appointed from within and stepped up from his previous role as Senior Delivery Officer (Sports Participation) on 1st March 2021.

The Premier League Primary Stars programme is delivered nationwide by the official charities of professional football clubs (such as WWSET) and uses the appeal of the Premier League to inspire children to learn, be active and develop important life skills.

The programme has been developed and is managed by the Premier League Charitable Fund, a Premier League funded charity which aims to create positive and lasting sporting, health and education outcomes for children, young people and the wider community.

Available entirely free to every primary school in England and Wales, it inspires girls and boys aged 5-11 in the classroom, the playground and on the sports field.

Premier League values underpin everything on offer, encouraging children to:

Be ambitious – work hard and never give up on their goals
Be inspiring – set a great example to others
Be connected – work well with others and in a team
Be fair – treat people equally and think of others

WWSET’s Premier League Primary Stars offering in local schools involves six core elements:

·         Teacher CPD and support with regards to effective PE delivery

·         Classroom based numeracy support for targeted pupils

·         Classroom based literacy support for targeted pupils

·         Delivery of PSHE lessons/interventions

·         Social action facilitation

·         Increasing participation in competitive and non-competitive sport

Billy, when asked about the role, said:

“I’m grateful to WWSET for giving me the opportunity to take on the role of PLPS Manager and I look forward to getting started. I aim to inspire the children I work with to be ambitious and full of self-confidence in sporting, academic and personal capacities. I am also looking forward to working alongside classroom teachers, aiming to improve the quality and confidence in their PE and school sport delivery. During what has been a difficult time for many over the past 12 months, I want to bring positivity to the role, and create a positive environment for both the teachers, and the children that I will be working with.”

Everybody at WWSET congratulates Billy and wishes him the best of luck in his new role!

Note: If you know a school that would be interested in learning more about the Premier League Primary Stars project, please contact Billy via email on billy.ready@wwfc.com


WWSET Appoint Billy Ready As PLPS Manager

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