It’s been an exciting summer at the Wycombe Wanderers Sports and Education Trust (WWSET) ‘Grow’ allotment sessions at the Sierra Road allotment in High Wycombe. 

Every Wednesday from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm WWSET deliver a community allotment session as part of our ‘Keep Moving Forward’ initiative in partnership with The Community Grow Project. Grow is a great community initiative that gets everyone together and we all learn together how to grow all different types of fruit, vegetables and plants. There are lots of different types of jobs to do from sowing seeds, watering plants and weeding, to laying slabs, painting sheds and building a seating area near the river. WWSET is pleased to be able to help with the project with our team of green-fingered volunteers. 

As it’s the start of a new month, and we have our new Head of Health, Simon Wears, in post to oversee the work, let’s take a look at the tasks due to be completed this September.

Wintergreen manure

  • Rake level the area where potatoes were grown in 2021
  • Sprinkle clover / green manure seeds

5 Raised beds

  • Finish edging to final raised beds to meet the Willow Walkway
  • Lay cardboard on beds
  • Then add manure/top with compost layer to 4” or 5”

Woodchip paths up to midway of the whole allotment site

  • Remove any weeds
  • Lay new cardboard where necessary
  • Some edging strips may be necessary on the left where no raised beds mark out the boundary of the walkway (on the right are the ends of the raised beds)
  • Woodchip walkways

“We have loads to do and it’s a really exciting time to get involved in this project”, said Simon, “The mental and physical benefits of being in the fresh air are there for everyone to see, and at WWSET we have a great range of programs that can get you out and about”. 

Spending time outdoors, especially in green spaces, is one of the fastest ways to improve your health and happiness. It’s been shown to lower stress, blood pressure and heart rate while encouraging physical activity and buoying mood and mental health. Some research even suggests that green space is associated with a lower risk of developing psychiatric disorders. Whichever way you look at it, being outside is really good for you. Taking part in initiatives like ‘Grow’, and our other ‘Keep Moving Forward’ projects could help you with your physical and mental health. 

If you want to join us in the completion of tasks – perhaps you are a community-focused person, perhaps you enjoy the fresh air and benefit from being out in a calm, relaxed and friendly atmosphere, or perhaps you are green-fingered and can add some (much-needed) expertise to our allotment efforts, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact Simon at simon.wears@wwfc.com to find out more information or to join us! 

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