WW Foundation Partner with BNU to Launch New Coaching Degree

Wycombe Wanderers Foundation is proud to announce the launch of its new coaching degree, in partnership with Bucks New University. The programme is designed to provide aspiring football coaches with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the sport, while also providing them with a recognised academic qualification.

The Foundation Degree in Football Coaching with Football Development & Performance will be delivered through a combination of in-person lectures (Adams Park & BNU Campus), online learning and practical work based experience, with students having the opportunity to work alongside the Wycombe Wanderers Foundation coaching staff, gaining hands-on experience of the latest coaching techniques and methods.

The programme is open to aspiring coaches of all ages and levels of experience, from those just starting out in the sport, to those looking to develop their existing skills and knowledge. Whether you’re looking to start a career in coaching, or simply looking to improve your own coaching ability, this degree programme has been designed to meet your needs.

The programme will be delivered by a team of experienced coaches and academics, ensuring that students receive the highest quality education and support. With limited places available, interested individuals are encouraged to apply early to secure a place.

For a copy of the prospectus, please click here!

To apply for the course, please click here!

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