WW Foundation Announce Menopause Workshop

Following recent conversations between the WWSET Health Department and women who attend some of the activities that we deliver, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting an educational workshop on the topic of menopause.

The workshop is for women approaching, or going through menopause, or interested in learning about what to expect during the cycle. We will look at the changes and challenges that happen during menopause, both physical and emotional, in particular with regards to the impact on weight gain and weight management. We openly invite participants’ partners to attend for educational purposes enabling them to provide appropriate support to their loved ones.

The workshop will take place at Adams Park Stadium in the Woodlands Lounge on Wednesday 29th June from 7.00 – 8.30pm.

The workshop will be delivered by experts in this field Lara Hayward & Roosa Leimu.

Lara Hayward is currently the Wellbeing Programme Lead for staff at the University of Oxford. Her approach explores wellbeing from a ‘whole-person’ perspective, and considers how the physical, psychological, social, environmental, and cultural aspects of wellbeing intersect with and impact upon daily life. She has a particular interest in female health and wellbeing, and recently completed the Female Health Advanced Practitioner training with The Well HQ. Alongside her role at the University of Oxford, Lara works as a Dance Assistant for the English National Ballet’s Dance for Parkinson’s Programme and as a Surf Mentor for the Wave Project. She originally qualified as a medical/sports lawyer, holding roles at the senior and strategic level with the General Pharmaceutical Council, UK Sport, Mountain Training England and the Paralympic NGB, Boccia UK, where she led on athlete welfare matters. She holds additional certifications as a REPS Level 2 Fitness Instructor, a BTF Level 2 triathlon coach, Blue Health Coach and as a Mental Health First Aider.

Roosa Leimu-Brown is a yoga therapist, movement educator and dance artist with a PhD in biology. Her approach explores how embodied movement, breath and relaxation practices support physical and mental wellbeing through their impact on the different biological systems of the body. Roosa has practiced and taught therapeutic yoga for over 20 years. She is a 500h yoga teacher of the Independent Yoga Network (IYN), a qualified yoga therapist, and is completing her advanced Yoga Medicine therapeutic specialist qualification in the US. Roosa trained as a dancer and danced professionally with the Swedish Royal Ballet. She specializes in leading dance for older people including those with Parkinson’s and dementia. Roosa works as an Associate Dance Artist at English National Ballet co-leading their Dance for Parkinson’s classes in Oxford, and an Artist in Residence in the NHS Foundation Trust’s Creating with Care programme. She has also worked as a dance artist in the Dance for Health program. Roosa is a research biologist with over 15-years of experience in academia as a researcher, lecturer, project manager and supervisor. She last worked as a lecturer at the University of Oxford.

The workshop is free to attend, however spaces are limited so please ensure you book your place without delay. In order to book please CLICK HERE

If you have any queries regarding the workshop, please contact WWSET’s Head of Health Simon Wears via email at simon.wears@wwfc.com or alternatively call 01494 455736.

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