Welcome to Mark Guildea, our new Head of Education

Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET) would like to extend a firm welcome handshake to Mark Guildea, who has started as our new Head of Education. 

Mark joins WWSET following three years as National Teacher Training Manager for Physical Education with the Ministry of Education in the United Arab Emirates. Mark is passionate about physical literacy and high-quality physical education in schools having previously been a secondary school PE teacher and Head of Department in North London and later a lecturer in Physical Education and Sports Coaching at Brunel University.

Mark enjoys academic reading regarding the role of PE and School Sport in the digital era and is a published author in regards to PE and Physical Literacy both in and out of the classroom. In his spare time, he enjoys playing 5-a-side football with friends and planning his next trip abroad as a lover of travel and experiencing different cultures.

Mark has hit the ground running in his WWSET career thus far, having participated in several ‘Play Into Space’ youth club sessions, and having helped with the Elite Development Academy sessions when staff isolations left us short. His flexibility and adaptability is a great asset to our exceptional team. 

To contact Mark for any further information regarding the education, school or employability projects under his control, or just to say ‘Hi!’, please email: mark.guildea@wwfc.com

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