W3 visit A J Dunlop Open Day!

Wycombe Wanderers Women (W3) recently visited their sponsor, A J Dunlop for their open day, based at their garage in Old Town Beaconsfield.

It was a great event with live music, a BBQ & some superb cars on display, as well as a great opportunity for members of W3 to meet and engage with the community and their supporters.

In attendance at the A J Dunlop Open Day were W3 President – Nigel Kingston, W3 Development Coach – Sonny Moore, Club Captain – Bobby Lynch and three of our W3 first team.

Wycombe Wanderers Women, often referred to as the “Chairgirls,” have been making significant strides in the development of women’s football in the region. Their recent partnership with Wycombe Wanderers Foundation aims to create a pathway for young girls, from first kick to first team, in the community to progress in football.

This event is part of a broader initiative to promote women’s football and create stronger community connections and provided an opportunity for fans and local businesses to interact directly with the players and staff of Wycombe Wanderers Women

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