Reflections – Our Community Iftar

Football is for everyone. We at Wycombe Wanderers want our football club to be the heartbeat of our community… Our entire community. 

A part of that means breaking down barriers, building relationships and showing curiosity, sensitivity and respect to all cultures, religions and backgrounds. 

We took a giant step forwards on Tuesday  4th April, hosting our first ever community Iftar with over 200 local Muslims attending, taking prayers onto the Adams Park pitch and enjoying a delicious meal cooked by club chef Will and his team. Four of our non-Muslim staff fasted for the day and broke fast with our community. 

We had a wonderful evening and it was an honour and privilege to host such a special event at our home. WWF Chief Executive, Mark Gaitskell shared his reflections on the event, as well as what Ramadan means to him, having himself spent a long time living in the Middle East.

We would like to thank everyone who helped make it possible and everyone who attended, we hope to welcome you all back to Adams Park very soon. 


As a charity we are heavily reliant on community donations and fundraising.

Thank you for your interest in contributing, anything you donate will 100% go directly back into your local community, increasing our reach and our impact.

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