Primary Stars Stadium Days A Huge Success With Local Schools

During February and March, we welcomed Carrington, Disraeli, Our Lady, and Lane End Junior Schools to Adams Park to take part in our termly Collapsed Curriculum Days. 

As part of our Premier League Primary Stars and Future Goals programmes, partner schools are given the opportunity to extend their learning in an inspiring environment, providing children with the opportunity to create lifelong memories at their local professional football club. 

We welcomed 360 children to the home of Wycombe Wanderers to take part in insightful workshops based around internet safety, train and railway safety, racism awareness, and a sneak peek behind the scenes on a stadium tour of Adams Park.

We were also grateful to be joined via Zoom by Wycombe Wanderers first team players, Daryl Horgan and Adam Przybek, who took part in Q&A discussions with the children. From being asked about their professional debuts, to what their favourite cheese was, the players answered all and gave the children an experience they will never forget! 

Ben Keegan, class teacher at Disraeli School, had this to say about the stadium visits: “Our visit to Adams Park was a great success. Tackling topics such as Internet safety, railway safety and racism is vital for the children and to do this in a football setting outside of the classroom really showed our pupils the importance of these issues in the real world. The stadium tour was great. One child, a lifelong Wanderers fan, was moved to tears when  she saw the home dressing room. It was a heart-warming moment and many of our football-loving pupils have never stepped inside a stadium before. The staff were all friendly and enthusiastic. Thanks for a great day.”  

Billy Ready, Premier League Primary Stars Manager at Wycombe Wanderers Sports and Education Trust, was asked about the impact of the stadium visits. He had this to say: “We are overwhelmed with the positive feedback that has come back from our most recent stadium visits. We haven’t been able to invite schools to the stadium for a long time, so it has been brilliant to start to host schools at the home of Wycombe Wanderers. We believe in creating positive learning environments for children in our local community, and being afforded the opportunity to do that at Adam’s Park will only provide better opportunities. I would also like to thank our delivery staff, the school staff who attended, Daryl Horgan and Adam Przybek for taking the time to answer questions from the children, and Wycombe Wanderers for allowing us the opportunity to host these stadium visits.” 

For more information about Premier League Primary Stars or Future Goals and to get your school involved email our Premier League Primary Stars manager or our Head of Education 

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