Premier League Primary Stars Conference 2022

During October half term, Premier league Primary Stars Delivery Officer, Will Allen, attended a two-day conference at The Belfry hotel in Birmingham hosted by the Premier League Charitable Fund. 

Over 90 Community Clubs attended the conference from across the six English professional divisions and it was a great chance for CCO’s to network and learn good practice from each other. It was also a chance to hear from the FA and Premier League representatives about building the best possible provision for children in our schools under the Primary Stars programme.

The conference was predominantly focussed on the delivery of high-quality physical education support for teachers in schools, building on Will’s existing pedagogy to develop new strategies using the latest methodologies in teaching and learning to aid children and their teachers to make maximum progress in lessons and develop the physical literacy of the future generation.

Will Allen said of the conference:

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time at The Belfry Hotel! I learnt so much from the different seminars over the course of the two days and it was an experience that was invaluable for me”. 

Head of Education, Mark Guildea said, ‘Delighted that Will was able to get the opportunity to expand his knowledge and expertise in his delivery of the Premier League Primary Stars programme. We are looking forward to sharing some of these methods and ideas in our partner schools in the coming weeks’.

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