Over the summer at Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust we delivered the course of Play Into Space at Highcrest Academy, this course is funded by The Office of Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley Police. This was also partnered by Buckinghamshire Council.

The course entailed of a variety of opportunities for personal development with workshops and different activities that therefore would give the participants a positive outlet for their energy, as well as seeing enjoyment.

These sessions enhanced the opportunity to help the participants improve their physical and mental health, through fun activities including: Board games, Football, Pool and much more, whilst also socialising with others creating new friendships for the future.

Education assistant Penny McLain Smith highlighted the importance of this course, and the impact it has on the participants and her enjoyment by saying:

“This was my first time supervising Play Into Space and it was honestly amazing! Being able to see individuals who were shy at the beginning develop into confident, happy, bubbly characters, and make new friends (despite some age gaps) was the part I loved most. Without it, many children would have been cooped up inside, not having much to do, worrying about going back to school. Particularly those going into year 7”.

However, having the opportunity to go to a youth club and make friends really helped individuals flourish in their self esteem and confidence making a lot of them excited to go back to school and make new friends, as they realised it isn’t so daunting after all”.

Again we would like to thank everyone who took part in this course over the summer of 2021, and again to The Office of Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley, Matthew Barber for funding this educational programme and to Bucks Council for also partnering this.


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