Play Into Space sessions return in June 2021

Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust are delighted to announce the return of Play Into Space, which is in support of  Thames Valley Police & Crime Commissioner and Buckinghamshire council.

The FREE course provides a safe and learning environment that aims to divert participants away from involvement in crime and antisocial behaviour or the risk of being exploited.

This course also allows participants to have some fun, engaging in different sporting activities as well as insightful workshops which will help them build skills for their future careers but also making a positive choice.

We also want to give them the support them with their mental and physical health.

This course will be delivered from the 1st June – 4th June aimed at people who are aged between 8-12 from 09:30-12:30 and for people aged 13-15 13:00- 16:00.

This course will be hosted at HighCrest Academy in High Wycombe.

Follow the link below to secure your place – Wycombe Wanderers Sport & Education Trust Play into Space- Youth Club Summer Half Term (


As a charity we are heavily reliant on community donations and fundraising.

Thank you for your interest in contributing, anything you donate will 100% go directly back into your local community, increasing our reach and our impact.

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