‘Play Into Space’ an egg -cellent easter initiative

Over the Easter holidays, the Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust delivered ten sessions of our free youth club, ‘Play Into Space’ for young people aged 8 to 15 years at the East Side Youth Centre based at Highcrest Academy. 

The 10-session course, which ran from the 12th to the 16th of April, is funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner and supported by Buckinghamshire Council. ‘Play Into Space’ offers young people a safe and secure space to play, learn and interact with others during the school holidays, with the ultimate aim of diverting them away from involvement in crime and antisocial behaviour, or the risk of being exploited. We offer personal development opportunities via the delivery of workshops focusing on current hot topics and the opportunity to take part in a variety of sports sessions, giving them a positive outlet for their energy as well as assisting them to improve their physical and mental health.

Play Into Space

Despite the snowfall during the week, a lively group of 24 participants took part in a number of workshops which included a section in association with the EFL called ‘You vs Train‘, aimed at teaching young people about the dangers of acting inappropriately around railway tracks. 

The EFL Trust launched this new partnership with Network Rail, British Transport Police (BTP) and StreetGames to help tackle the increasing number of people risking their lives on the railway.

See the official trailer video here:


Figures reveal over 250 incidents a week have been recorded by people taking risks on the railway – taking shortcuts, capturing photos and even ‘train surfing’ – sometimes with tragic consequences. Young people (under 18s) make up one of the largest categories, responsible for a third of all cases. 

All EFL Clubs and CCOs are involved in the campaign with activity ranging from social media posts to player messages.  Clubs that are within the trespass incident hot spots, including as us here at WWSET, will run workshops in their local communities. To find out more information about the campaign, visit: YouVsTrain.co.uk

Following the You vs Train workshop:

  • 100% of young people asked were aware of the dangers of trespassing
  • 100% were more confidant of their own knowledge of railway safety
  • 100% said they would not risk safety near a railway
  • 100% said they would discourage their friends from trespassing on the railways
  • 100% said they knew how dangerous t was to trespass on the railway
  • 100% said they were aware of more dangers other than trains on the railway

These engaging ‘Play Into Space’ sessions were also visited by High Wycombe PCSOs who took part in outdoor sports including Dodgeball, Football, Cricket, Pool, Table Football and Table Tennis. The sessions were extremely positive with lots of fun had by all.

Play Into Space

Look out for the next ‘Play into Space’ coming in the summer half-term starting on 1st June 2021.

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