Mark Heath Leaves WWSET To Take On New Challenge

It is with sadness that Wycombe Wanderers Sports and Education Trust (WWSET) are saying a fond farewell to our Head of Education and Employability, Mark Heath, who has decided to take on a new exciting role after being with us for over three years. Mark, a massive Wycombe Wanderers fan, has played an important role in the Education department becoming a well-oiled machine and has helped improve the was that WWSET is perceived by the local and wider community.

Mark has been involved in a variety of educational programmes that have helped participants grow in confidence but also helped for their future, these programmes included Play Into Space, Future Goals, Changing Rooms and much more. He has also shown his personality within this role, as he got stuck in and became a part of the experience of these different courses giving him a great chance to develop a great working relationship with fellow participants and coaches. Mark also dived in when the club needed him recently, as a ball sanitiser during the lockdown games. 

Penny McLain-Smith joined WWSET as a Kickstart Education Assistant, and describes Mark’s impact on her professional and personal development: “Mark is a funny, chill but an incredible boss. Although I was nervous to work in a full-time job for the first time he made me feel incredibly comfortable, he wasn’t too strict and was very friendly. Due to this, I felt at ease with the work and now I absolutely adore my job! I look forward to coming to work and avoid having any days off if I can. He has put things in place within the education department which have helped the children and teachers hugely. Advising me and having discussions with me to make sure that I am performing at my best within the role. He will be missed by everyone in the workplace!”

Premier League Primary Stars Manager Billy Ready also speaks kindly of Mark, saying: “it’s been a massive pleasure to work alongside Mark for the last 3 years, and under him as my line manager since March. He has been a positive influence on the team and on myself personally in the time we’ve worked together and will be massively missed by all. Good luck mate!”

The man himself, Mr Heath, spoke of the job, saying “for the last three years I have been the Head of Education at WWSET, and for me, it has been a dream job combining my passions for education and supporting Wycombe Wanderers. Starting with a blank canvas, the education department has grown to work with over 20 organisations and schools delivering education programmes on a regular basis. This wouldn’t have been achievable without the support and dedication of the education team who go above beyond every day in order to have a positive impact on those they work with. With the leadership of the new head of education, also Mark, the department with continue to grow, positively affecting those we work with.”

Mark remains in his post until the end of August 2021 and will be replaced as Head of Education by Mark Guildea at the end of the month, who will look to build on the solid foundations that have been built. 

All of us at Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust wish Mark Heath all the best in the future.

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