Listen Learn Adapt NEEDS YOU!

Back in early July, Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET) announced that we would be working in partnership with 4 other charities in the local area to help deliver the ‘Listen, Learn, Adapt’ project.
Working in partnership with Buckinghamshire Mind, The Oasis Partnership, Age UK Buckinghamshire and Citizens Advice Bucks, the projects ultimate aim is to enable all five organisations to better serve members of our community from minority ethnic backgrounds.The ‘Listen, Learn, Adapt’ project has been kindly funded by the Buckinghamshire Wellbeing Capacity Fund jointly commissioned by The Rothschild Foundation, Heart of Bucks and The Clare Foundation

The man who is leading the project, Naved, has been in touch with us with a message and an exciting opportunity for someone to help him with the project. Here he is, in his own words… 

“Hello all. My name is Naved Siddiqi. I am a social scientist with 20 or so years of research and know-how, and I am leading field research for the LISTEN LEARN ADAPT project.”
“You may know about this project already, but as a recap, this research project brings five regional charities together seeking better engagement with ethnic minorities in the Buckinghamshire areas of High Wycombe, Aylesbury and Chesham. Residents in these areas may not be accessing very useful support services because…


…and these are blanks we need some clearer answers to!”


“The project will run up to Christmas, or thereabouts, and among the first tasks we have are getting the word out. That is why I am writing to you.”

“When is comes to communications, I am looking to grab the attention of any locals who identify as ethnic minorities. You can assist greatly here, using any buttons or channels you have at your disposal to also get this to people, or to people who know people or who know people who people and so on!”

“So, any email lists, newsletters, WhatsApp groups, and channels you have within you reach, let’s use them. Also, if you know people or have local contacts, please can you forward communications to them, or put them in touch with me.”

Naved is also on the lookout for a Community Researcher – the full job description is here – which is a very exciting role within the project. 

Head of WWSET Paul Foley said of the Listen Learn Adapt project, “This project is one that everybody at WWSET is really excited about. It’s innovative in its design and places partnership working at the very core of its approach. We’re confident that some hugely valuable learning is going to take place which will allow us to more effectively help local people from minority ethnicities to deal with the current and future challenges they face.”

If you think you can help Naved with this project, either in a research or participant capacity, or you know someone who can, please get in touch or share this with them. 

In order to express an interest in getting involved (or to ask questions/make comments) please feel free to contact Clare Samways, the Listen Learn Adapt Project Coordinator, on

You can also find out more information about the Listen Learn Adapt project by visiting the dedicated webpage hosted by lead project organisation The Oasis Partnership: LLA WEBSITE PAGE

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