Georgia Grou Leaves WWSET To Start New Venture

At Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET) we are sad to be saying goodbye to our Community Delivery Officer, Georgia Grou, who has been offered the role of Head of Health for Championship side AFC Bournemouth. 

Georgia Grou, or Gee as she is more commonly known, has been with us for over two years, starting off as an apprentice but then developing into an integral part of our team as well as a role model in the local High Wycombe community. She has led programmes such as our Walking Football sessions in association with Age UK and our Keep Moving Forward programmes, containing Indian Clubs, Yoga, the Wellness Walk and our Grow allotment sessions, and many more besides. Gee has helped so many participants who’ve attended our health courses with both their physical and mental health to help them with their future.

Digital Marketing Apprentice, Jack Fowler, who started at the same time as Gee, noted her impact on the company: “Georgia has been a brilliant colleague but also a great friend, she’s always there for everyone always putting others first. We did our apprenticeships together in our first year, and from her great work ethic you could see she was going to succeed, she has made a huge difference to me, but I know also in the local community, I wish her all the best for her future”. 

Gee’s general positivity and sunny outlook on life is something that is truly extraordinary and is something that Activity Programme Manager, Andrew Homent, says he will miss the most. “What can I say about Gee? She lights up any room she walks into and has the ability to put anyone at ease with her wonderful personality and desire to help anyone she comes into contact with. It’s for these reasons that she’s been a huge asset to the Health department here at WWSET and will be missed massively. I’m immensely proud of her and seeing how she has developed here at WWSET. I wish her nothing but the greatest success in her future endeavours! We’ll miss you, Gee!!” 

“I have loved my time at WWSET.” said Gee herself, “It has been nearly two years full of different experiences, knowledge, opportunities, and skills. I have grown so much as a professional due to my time at WWSET, they have offered me the chance to grow and challenge myself in all aspects of my role, and I will always be grateful for the time I got to spend with WWSET! The staff are honestly the loveliest bunch of people I have ever worked with, there is always such a positive work environment, with lots of support and motivation in the team. The team have been all been a really big part of my time at SET, they made me feel welcome from day one, I believe WWSET and the team are destined for big things, and I am excited to see what the future holds for all of them. I hope our paths cross again WWSET, it has been a pleasure!”

Gee will remain in post until the end of August 2021 before moving on and every single member of the WWSET team wish her the best in her future role in Bournemouth and hope she thrives in her new position. 

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