Wycombe Wanderers FC and Wycombe Wanderers Trust become first official “Friends of WWSET”

Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET), the official charity of Wycombe Wanderers Football Club, are pleased to announce that following the launch of our ‘Friends of WWSET’ corporate fundraising initiative at the beginning of September, Wycombe Wanderers FC and Wycombe Wanderers Trust have committed to becoming the first official ‘Friends of WWSET’.

As the football clubs charity, WWSET uses the power of the club badge & brand to deliver projects and activities that inspire and assist local people so that individuals and their communities can reach their full potential.

WWSET typically delivers in excess of 40 different sessions within our community each week of the year. Each of the activities we deliver seeks to achieve one or more of the following outcomes for our beneficiaries:

· Increase participation in sport & physical activity;

· Promote health and well-being;

· Provide education and employment opportunities;

· Contribute to community inclusion & cohesion.

In order to continue growing our provision and helping as many people as possible, we continually need to raise unrestricted income. Our ‘Friends of WWSET’ initiative allows us to do this whilst also providing considerable benefits to the businesses who become our ‘Friends’.

This benefit is realised in terms of:

· The positive brand exposure we are able to facilitate for our ‘Friends’;

· The exclusive benefits offered to our ‘Friends’;

· The opportunity for businesses to realise their Corporate Social Responsibility targets and promote the support of WWSET among their employees, stakeholders and external networks.

The cost of becoming a ‘Friend of Wycombe Wanderers SET’ is £1,000 for the season. In return participating organisations receive the following:

· Exclusive rights to use the ‘Friend of WWSET’ logo on their website and other communication channels;

· Their company logo to appear on the dedicated ‘Friends of WWSET’ website page with a hyperlink to their company website;

· ‘Friend of WWSET’ framed certificate presented to the company;

· Media story advertising your support of WWSET placed on the WWSET website, with a link to the story tweeted by both WWSET and Wycombe Wanderers FC (+75k followers combined);

· Company logo to appear in every Wycombe Wanderers FC match day programme during the 2020-21 season on the dedicated ‘Friends of WWSET’ page;

· X2 tickets to X4 Wycombe Wanderers FC home league matches during the 2020-21 season;

· X2 tickets to a dedicated ‘Friends of WWSET’ VIP match day experience where you’ll be hosted in an Executive Box plus granted access to other great perks on the day.

Upon both the Wycombe Wanderers club and trust signing up to become ‘Friends’, Head of WWSET Paul Foley had this to say:

“As with the vast majority of local businesses and charities, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in WWSET being unable to deliver our usual comprehensive array of activities, and has significantly reduced our ability to generate income. The ‘Friends of WWSET’ initiative was launched in order to assist us in generating unrestricted funds that can then be used to deliver projects for the benefit of our local community in these times of significantly increased need. We are extremely grateful to both the football club and the Trust for their support in becoming our first official “Friends”; something that we feel perfectly demonstrates what a true community club this is.”

Pete Couhig, the WWFC Finance Director added:

“Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust is an integral part of the Wycombe Wanderers FC family, and we didn’t hesitate to become a Friend of WWSET when the initiative was launched. Football clubs have a moral obligation to help the community that surrounds the club and Wycombe Wanderers FC take this obligation very seriously. Our charity does great work on the clubs behalf and we’ll always do anything we can to help them continue this.”

Nigel Kingston, Chairman of Wycombe Wanderers Trust, said:

“One of the Trusts stated objectives is to work closely with WWSET to promote and expand the reach of Wycombe Wanderers into the community. This was a perfect opportunity for us to assist the clubs charity and the board were immediately unanimous in deciding to get involved when the question of becoming a Friend of WWSET was put to us.”

If you know of a company that may also wish to become a Friend of WWSET then please click here to view the Friends of WWSET flyer, or drop WWSET an email on community@wwfc.com.

Wycombe Wanderers FC and Wycombe Wanderers Trust become first official “Friends of WWSET”

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