Football Fun During October Half Term

After 5 days of fun-filled football delivery, the Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET)’s October Soccer School’s, based at Cressex Community School in High Wycombe & The Beaconsfield School in Beaconsfield, came to an end on Friday 29th October.

The sessions were delivered by the fantastic WWSET Sports Participation coaching team, who all hold first aid, safeguarding and FA coaching certificates plus clean DBS checks, and saw 81 unique participants engaged over the course of the week, which resulted in 2,025 hours of football activity being undertaken.

Upon arrival each day, the participants were split into their age groups and put straight into some warm-up small sided games. These were followed by coaching sessions all morning which focused on a curriculum of topics such as ball mastery, dribbling, passing, shooting, goalkeeping and small sided games. Each afternoon saw the children take part in fun skills challenges followed by roll-on-roll-off tournaments amongst their age groups!

Apart from a brief spell of torrential rain on the last day, we were largely unaffected by any bad weather and were able to enjoy ourselves out on the football pitches. Our October Soccer Schools were booked with the added back up of having indoor space to utilise in the event of bad weather but, with the week being fairly dry, we were able to maximise our time out on the grass having lots of fun!

At the end of each day, the coaches awarded a handful of children the coveted “Player of the Day” award which saw them leave with a WWSET gift for their great attitude and hard work throughout the day. A big well done to all of the children across the two venues that walked away with the POTD prizes!

Activity Programme Manager, Andy Homent had this to say about the week: “We enjoyed a massively successful week over both venues this October Half Term with even more new faces coming to visit us for the first time! We were delighted to welcome them all and they looked like they had a fantastic time too! Despite having the option of heading indoors to protect ourselves form the unpredictable British weather, we managed to maximise our time outside on the grass and witnessed lots of great football throughout the week.“

And, you guessed it, we’re doing it all again over Christmas and details of how to secure your place for the December Soccer Schools can be found below:

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