Elmhurst Schools’ PLPS Stadium Day & Adams Park

On Monday 11th July, we were delighted to be able to welcome Elmhurst School to Adams Park, home of Wycombe Wanderers Football Club.

We provided 60 children with a “behind the scenes” stadium tour of Adams Park, exploring the changing rooms and taking the high ground up in the gantry to learn more about the history of the stadium. The children also took part in 3 other workshops centred around the theme of “keeping fit and healthy”, including both physical activity and interactive workshops.

Billy Ready, Premier League Primary Stars Manager of Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust, had this to say about the stadium visit: “I am over the moon that we were able to welcome Elmhurst School’s year 3’s to Adams Park. It was great to see the classes make the long trip from Aylesbury to be with us for the day! The classes represented the school excellently with their politeness and respectful behaviour around the stadium, as well as the enthusiasm to take part in each activity throughout the day. We hope that this isn’t a one off, and we are able to invite them back again soon!”

If you would like to provide your class with an unforgettable experience at your local professional football club, please get in touch on community@wwfc.com

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