Claire Hawes Departs WWSET as Head of Health

Wycombe Wanderers Sports and Education Trust (WWSET) are sad to announce that our Head of Health and Wellbeing, Claire Hawes, has made the difficult decision to leave the company after nearly 5 months in the post, to take on the challenge of being the new Head of Health at Bedford Blues Rugby Club. 

During her time as our Head of Health, Claire has had a huge impact on the variety of the courses on offer through the WWSET health department provision, and she has helped deliver high-quality sessions that have helped her participants both with their physical health and mental health. Throughout her work, Claire embodied the spirit of our organisation – to educate, motivate and inspire through the power of sport – with everything she did as part of the variety of different health courses.

Despite a love of football and of all things health, Claire’s main passion is rugby, and when her new position at Bedford Blues was created, she knew she had to apply for the role. 

WWSET Head of Fundraising and Communication reflects on his time working with Claire: 

“Claire and I started at WWSET at roughly the same time, and it has been a pleasure to watch her do her thing! The Head of Health and Wellbeing position is a big role – much bigger than I thought when I joined – and Claire has always made it look really easy. I have enjoyed working with her on a few projects in our time together, and Claire has shown herself to be a decisive person who knows how she wants things done, which is a great characteristic to have. It has been great serving on the Senior Leadership Team with Claire, and I wish her all the best for her future. Go get it, Claire, you deserve it!” 

Claire remains in her post until the end of August. 

Everyone at Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust wishes Claire the best in her future career.

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