For the past twelve weeks, Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET) have been working with six participants who have been taking part in the Buckinghamshire Council-funded ‘Changing Rooms’ project. Forming part of the EFL Trust Training Ground programme of courses, the Changing Rooms sessions that we hosted at Adams Park Stadium looked to engage those people who are considered furthest from the workplace. 

WWSET Education department staff delivered a tailored course that develops the mental and physical health of the participants and worked on aspects of finding employment. Our session on a Thursday would see group sessions take place in the shape of an active walk and talk session in which the group would walk up into the hills around the stadium and chat in an open and free environment, with the focus very much on mental health. This non-judgmental and open structure allowed the group to identify and express their emotions in a way that is not really possible in friend groups or even a formal therapy session. 

The afternoon classroom-based sessions included completing jigsaw puzzles together to develop social and collaborative skills, playing board games to develop communication skills, watching a WWFC training session to see active teamwork, group discussions about current affairs, walk and talk building from less than a mile locally to an eight-mile walk along the Thames.

On Friday, the group would look to complete more practical and vocational exercises such as working towards a Money Management qualification and also completing our prestigious ‘Fans in Training’ activity course. These sessions included managing your budget, how savings can be made from your budget, how to set up bank accounts, finding good deals and how to manage debt. How and where to apply for jobs, how to write a Curriculum Vitae and supporting letter of application. Healthy eating and how to look after your body physically by stretching, sporting activities and yoga.

Over 4,000,000 steps were walked as a collective group, with one participant, in particular, walking over 462,000 steps during the course of the project. A weekly ‘league table’ was created leading to all attempting to beat their own personal bests each week.

As a result of Changing Rooms:

  • Two participants are now volunteering with the Health Department at WWSET.
  • One participant has applied for a matchday steward job at WWFC on a match day.
  • One participant has applied for a part-time job during the week and a weekend job at WWFC.
  • Two others have taken up opportunities to take part in other WWSET projects.


People who answered ‘Yes’

Do you now lead a happier lifestyle?


Do you now ead a healthier lifestyle?


Do you now feel closer to the work environment?


Do you now feel more confident in personal budgeting?


Do you now feel more supported?



One participant commented, “I have really enjoyed Changing Rooms, the atmosphere was great, my confidence and self-belief have grown, I never thought it would. It was really positive for me, I’m so glad and thankful I did it. For the first time, I have applied to do some work. Thank you everyone I really enjoyed it.

‘Another commented I now have a CV and have written a letter of application. Thank you, I never thought I’d be able to do that.

WWSET have secured funding for a second Changing Rooms project, dates to be confirmed, but to register or interest please email 


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