Chairboys Chat | WWFC Training Ground with Tjay de Barr

On Monday 24th April we will be running a special Chairboys Chat session at WWFC training ground with special guest, Tjay de Barr.
Chairboys Chat, kindly funded by Heart of Bucks, seeks to provide male Chairboys fans with an informal learning and support network via the delivery of friendly get-togethers.

Those who attend will have the opportunity to talk openly about football plus a range of topics that influence men’s mental health and wellbeing, such as relationships, alcohol, parenting, finances, gambling, physical health and fitness, all in a relaxed and supportive environment.

Day & Date: Mon 24th April
Time: 7pm – 8pm
Venue: Wycombe Wanderers Training Ground, Marlow Road, SL7 3DQ

*Please note that places are limited and will be on a first come first served basis. You will receive a confirmation email upon your registration if successful.

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