Listen Learn Adapt – Research Report 2023

Listen Learn Adapt – Listening to views of minority ethnicities on charitable support in Buckinghamshire. Research Report 2023.

We are pleased to announce that the ‘Listen, Learn, Adapt’ research project report has been published and is now available for sharing. The team at The Oasis Partnership, together with their partners – Buckinghamshire Mind, Citizens Advice Buckinghamshire, Age UK Buckinghamshire and Wycombe Wanderers Foundation – worked with M.E.L Research to listen to the views of minority ethnic communities on charitable support in our county.

Through various research methods, including online and paper surveys, group discussions, and interviews, the ‘Listen, Learn, Adapt’ research project aimed to identify how support services offered by local charities in Buckinghamshire can be more inclusive and welcoming to all communities. The research and report, funded by The Rothschilds Foundation, Heart of Bucks, and The Clare Foundation, reflect the views and experiences of the people consulted with. The Oasis Partnership are deeply grateful to all the research participants for their time, openness, and candour.

The findings of the project shed light on the fact that while many people from minority ethnic communities appreciate the positive intent and great work of charities in Bucks, more work needs to be done to ensure that everyone is aware of the services they provide, people feel comfortable accessing them, and that charity staff and volunteers are representative of the communities they serve. The Oasis Partnership, in partnership with their allies, are committed to evolving services and culture to better serve the needs of local people.

We hope you understand the importance of this report and its potential impact on fostering new conversations with underrepresented communities. It’s essential for us all to create a diverse and inclusive environment that values the perspectives and experiences of all members of society. By engaging in dialogue with these communities, organisations can gain a better understanding of their unique challenges and needs, and work to create solutions that address these issues. We hope that this report can help all our organizations to take the necessary steps towards building more inclusive communities and workplaces.

An online copy of the report can be found by clicking here   

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