On 29th June 2021, Wycombe Wanderers Sports & Education Trust (WWSET) welcomed staff and pupils from Oakridge School and Nursery to our Adams Park home for a day of education, strategy, physical endeavour, teambuilding and (hopefully) a little bit of fun too! 

Our guests from Oakridge arrived at 10 am and headed to the Woodlands Executive Lounge, based in the iconic Frank Adams Stand, which they would use as a base camp before splitting into four groups and heading across the stadium and surrounding area for their activities. 

The day was split into four sessions: 

  • Explore: a tour of Adams Park, including behind-the-scenes areas such as the dressing rooms and trophy cabinet. 
  • Physical: hiking up ‘Mount Wycombe’, the steep public footpath that winds up the hillside to the rear of the Stadium. 
  • Strategy: building and solving fun puzzles, and looking at tensile strength using marshmallows and spaghetti. 
  • Media: looking at interviews and storytelling in our Press Area, and how to look out for Fake News. 


Oakridge School and Nursery is a successful and forward-looking school, seeking all the time to improve and progress. The development of the people in the school is something at the forefront of their minds as they strive for constant improvement. Stuart Cook, Oakridge Headteacher, says that the school is “a unique and special school that we are extremely proud of. The children, staff, governors and parents work closely together, guided by a common vision and set of school values. We have an unrelenting ambition to drive the school forward. We work hard to ensure that all pupils make good progress at the school, academically and personally.” 

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